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Me too. For web development nothing comes close.

Have you tried Elixir and Phoenix? I came from C# but i know a lot of people come from Ruby and say Phoenix is similar enough to Rails.

elixir is awesome, and it's the language i use on my personal projects. But it's still pretty immature and if you're writing a web application, rails will get you further, quicker.

With rails when i'm writing some new code quite often i'll open pry and experiment. %w!bob tom harry!.<tab><tab> gives me all the things I can do on this array. So maybe I'd do %w!bob tom harry!.sort

If i'm in iex (the elixir equivalent REPL) I have no such help! first, I can't use %w! to define an array, and secondly You can't call things like that. The equivalent is

    ['bob', 'tim', 'atom'] |> Enum.sort
which isn't discoverable in the same way

> "first, I can't use %w! to define an array, and secondly You can't call things like that."

The second part is a pretty fundamental language difference but you can use sigils to handle the first part. E.g., to generate word lists use ~w like so:

     ~w(bob tom harry)
If you don't want to use parens, you could use pointy brackets, braces, pipes or a few other delimiters instead.

thanks for the tip!

Not even Django ? Why ?

I can't speak for OP, but for me:

1) I generally prefer Ruby's syntax over Python's (I would miss blocks for sure) 2) Rail's ecosystem seems larger than Django's, but that could just me being more familiar with it 3) There seem to be a lot more Rails jobs than Django ones

Django would make more sense for a business that uses python for other things, though.

Not OP but django is huge and the dependency chain is crazy for me its just way more than i need and doesn't solve a problem that i can already solve with more light weight frameworks.

I have know django developers who were great in django but never got their heads around python beyond the framework.

Maybe things have changed since the last time i poked at it.

I don't find Rails (the "most productive" comparison point according to the thread) more lightweight than Django...

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