Well the UI can be changed per platform, and as I said, it's a matter of budget. I implemented a solution like that with xamarin but it's not like web. It's way more complicated and the real problem is many things are not supported and so on... React Native? No desktop support. Qt? Oh no, it doesn't feel native... Give me a break! I'm really sick of everyone being a perfectionist and making no compromises. There are too many users, too many platforms and not many developers (at least, quality ones). Facebook can maintain 100 platforms, that doesn't solve my problem of having something "usable" (not perfect) on X platforms.
- Yeah we don't support offline mode on iOS, sorry.
- How much would it cost to implement that?
- Hmm, a rewrite plus more devices to test and licenses and... hmm. Just 50K for a start.
- What, are you kidding? I just want to enter this order when offline?!
- Yeah we don't support offline mode on iOS, sorry.
- How much would it cost to implement that?
- Hmm, a rewrite plus more devices to test and licenses and... hmm. Just 50K for a start.
- What, are you kidding? I just want to enter this order when offline?!