Maybe I'm just an old fogey but I don't like Progress Web Apps. I think this whole movement of trying to make web apps more native-like is wrong headed and stems only from developers who have only ever written web apps wanting to write native apps but not wanting to learn how to do it properly.
As a user I don't want to have web apps giving me notifications or having loading screens. I have always liked that the web was tightly sandboxed and limited in what it can do. The nature of the web; where when I follow a link I'm basically installing your application -- sight unseen -- means that what your app can do needs to be tightly controlled and limited.
As a developer, if I want to make a native app for any platform, I'll write a native app. If you don't want to learn Objective-C or Swift, that's fine. There's plenty of ways to write Native applications iOS using cross platform languages like C++.
Frankly, those languages are easier to write testable, dependable code in than JavaScript anyway.
As a user I don't want to have web apps giving me notifications or having loading screens. I have always liked that the web was tightly sandboxed and limited in what it can do. The nature of the web; where when I follow a link I'm basically installing your application -- sight unseen -- means that what your app can do needs to be tightly controlled and limited.
As a developer, if I want to make a native app for any platform, I'll write a native app. If you don't want to learn Objective-C or Swift, that's fine. There's plenty of ways to write Native applications iOS using cross platform languages like C++.
Frankly, those languages are easier to write testable, dependable code in than JavaScript anyway.