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I am a single founder of my startup and don't know coding (except HTML and some CSS.)

>I have a number of startup ideas.

Thats a bad thing to have - "a number of ideas". You need to focus on just one idea at a time. Get it at a stage where you can either sell it - or hire someone to run on its own - before you venture on to the 2nd idea.

>and I don't have any coder friends.

That is also a bad thing. Because you need coder friends to help you:

i. Hire coders (a non-coder should never interview a coder. You will rarely ask the right questions.)

ii. Make sure the coders are not shoddy in their work.

You don't need coder friends who can become co-founders in your startup. But you do need coder friends who can help you out from time to time - in an unofficial capacity.

Networking helps. Go to hacking events and barcamps and just be friendly and helpful. And grow your circle of coder friends.

>I'm thinking I might outsource the coding

Thats do-able. A few things to remember:

i. Hire 2 coders if you can afford. So that each coder can keep the other one accountable - and go through his work.

ii. Keep in mind that most things will take more time than your coders estimated time line. But getting impatient doesn't help.

iii. Never hire the cheapest coder you can get.

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