I think Scott updated the sample used for the screenshots after putting it in the post.
The code is listed as:
object o;
if (o is int i || (o is string s &&
int.TryParse(s, out i)) { /* use i */ }
var x = 0xABCDEF;
-> --> ==> != === !== && ||<=<
</><tag> http://www.hanselman.com
<=><!-- HTML Comment -->
i++; #### ***
I think what was actually used is:
object o;
if (o is int i || (o is string s &&
int.TryParse(s, out i)) { /* use i */ }
var x = 0xAB_DE_F;
-> --> ==> != === !== && ||<=<
</><tag> http://www.hanselman.com
<=><!-- HTML Comment -->
i++; #### ***
The underscores in the hex literal are not part of the font, which looks like it is confusing some people.
I wrote a section on C# 7 for a new chapter in the upcoming second edition of my book from last year. There are loads of useful new features in C# 7 (and 6 if you're still on 5) and I thought I recognised those snippets.
The code is listed as:
I think what was actually used is: The underscores in the hex literal are not part of the font, which looks like it is confusing some people.A couple of those lines are new C# 7 features (patterns and literals) that appear to have been partially lifted from this blog post: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dotnet/2017/03/09/new-featu...
I wrote a section on C# 7 for a new chapter in the upcoming second edition of my book from last year. There are loads of useful new features in C# 7 (and 6 if you're still on 5) and I thought I recognised those snippets.