I believe Joomla is worse in every conceivable way. And then of course there is WordPress, which I sincerely hope is the last major procedurally-written codebase. PHP has come a long way as a language (it can almost be confused for something sensible these days) but lots of issues with large libraries.
That's why I left the Ruby ecosystem and went to Elixir. I noticed that my coding style was getting more and more functional (just naturally... but I was also probably influenced by Rich Hickey's "Are We There Yet?" talk, and by Gary Bernhardt's "Boundaries" talk) and soon realized that functional nirvana was essentially unachievable in Ruby as long as I depended on a vast library of gems all of which were procedural/OO.
I started in PHP, migrated to Ruby, and now I think I am beginning to be annoyed at Ruby's occasional lack of expressivity. I am probably on a similar course towards FP nirvana. Do you know any place on the left coast that's playing with Elixir or Haskell?
I worked on a Drupal project... Once.