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Anyone know how to backup 1tbyte worth of images in google or AWS? My ISP throttles my upload time. I'm interested in doing it at a lower price point than $500. Is that possible?

I've happily used Arq (https://www.arqbackup.com/) to get a lot of things into Drive and GCP. You can control your network rate to still get the files uploaded but over a longer time-span below your ISP's throttling.

(Disclosure: I work on GCP but this is a personal, not professional, endorsement)

it's multi cloud so I think you're safe from showing a bias.

thanks I hadn't seen that price, looks handy

I was thinking of buying a NAS just for this. It would take a while, but would be running all night which is handy. cheapest synology is $110 new + disk.


Try this too: S3 Transfer Acceleration, maybe gets around ISP throttling (I haven't tried this yet) https://aws.amazon.com/s3/faqs/#s3ta

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