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A bit of hyperbole, but here's the reference: https://github.com/mozilla/addons-frontend/issues/2785

Wow. IMO it's not a "bit" of hyperbole to call that "Mozilla forces you into being tracked by Google Analytics".

Additionally, from the link "legal contract with Google" on that page:

> Mozilla went through a year long legal discussion with GA before we would ever implement it on our websites. GA had to provide how and what they stored and we would only sign a contract with them if they allowed Mozilla to opt-out of Google using the data for mining and 3rd parties.

> We now have two check boxes in our GA premium account that allows us to opt-out of additional usage of our data. Because Mozilla pushed Google so hard, those two check boxes are available to every other GA user in the world regardless if they have a premium account like we do.

When and where Mozilla caves to pressures they always stood against, I will not hold it against them more than against the ones putting them under pressure -- or against those trying to muddy the waters even more in these already trying times, for that matter.

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