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Unfortunate they had to exclude Javascript. I understand why they chose to do that, but that's a HUGE chunk of data that's been pretty much randomly ignored. So can this really be considered a fair analysis given that?

No one has a choice with JavaScript. Theoretically you could go native or transpile but it's very rare.

Therefore, if you included it, the data wouldn't lead to meaningful conclusions. I feel like this was pretty obvious from the article and that the explanation was enough. For example, substituting node for js seemed to work well enough.

No one really has a choice with C, but its tally was very interesting..

I think there is a lot more vertical movement and the horizontal stuff might be a sideshow without considering overlap or experience with C or JavaScript as significant in how one transitions between purely competing languages.

But JavaScript's real problem for the analysis might be that its competition is largely excluded since the walled garden apps rarely have related code on GitHub, even if their language is present.

There's a huge choice for C. For a lot of uses, you can use C++, Go, Java, Rust, or a few other systems languages. The only thing that needs C is some very niche embedded stuff, or the Linux kernel (also niche).

All the major Unix kernels are in C. If it continues this trend, it seems clear that new kernels in new languages will be needed, or existing kernels will need to be ported to other languages. A memory safe one would be cool...

Well, if you think that C is going to go the way of conversational Latin, that would probably be accurate. I doubt that's accurate, because:

1. The fact that fewer people are choosing C for other projects doesn't mean they can't or won't learn it for kernels.

2. Nobody has yet to produce a language that is clearly superior to C for systems programming. Otherwise, we would be seeing movement towards that language instead of Java and Python.

The other thing to remember is that these are GitHub projects; the vast majority of them are not going to be kernels but application software or libraries. That would explain the moves from C to Java and Python; it's easier to write applications in those languages.

> clearly superior to C for systems programming.

I would argue Rust already has.

I think Rust doesn't have the speed props for that yet. It might in the future, but that's probably one of the reasons.

Rust has been shown to outperform C in some cases and in most be on par.

This isn't scientific: http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/u64q/rust.html

What isn't scientific?

tomsmeding's comment?

Your statement "Rust has been shown to…"?

The website you point to?

(What is "This isn't scientific" even supposed to mean?)

When someone writes a system based on Rust, that claim will be much stronger.

Some of my favorite examples:






The biggest application example:


And some self promotion:



I encourage all programmers to check it out. You may discover like me, that Rust is a compiler and language which guards against all the hard learned lessons I've had over my career. It's an amazing language to program in.

What kind of "system" are you looking for?

Or maybe C is uniquely suited to the task of writing a kernel, after all that's what it was designed for.

Not really, kernels were being written in HLL 10 years before C existed, and at strange places like IBM research.

The only good thing about it is that the language is easier to write a compiler for, as it is basically a portable macro assembler, specially the K&R C variant.

Operating systems were written in high(er) level languages a number of years before C, or UNIX, were invented.

Right, so the restrictions on at the bottom seem pretty meaningless, and that matches the migration off of C.

So how do we justify this JavaScript as forced labor argument?

The programmer can decide to do webapps that run atop C and get assistance from a backend that ultimately runs on C. The programmer can use backend frameworks that deliver incantations in JavaScript much like their downcalls to C.

If the migration were toward metal we would be hearing that C has to be excluded. Really how the Buffalo herd is moving does matter in a discussion of what ditches they are stuck in in the middle Savannah.

>The programmer can decide to do webapps that run atop C

Please explain how to make a slippymap[1] in C.

For srs, I'm making a hobby project at the moment that needs a dynamic, interactable map on a webpage, and as a long time noscript user it galls me a little to use JS. The only compromise I can come up with is re-hosting the JS libraries I use and ensuring they don't have their own dependencies so that users only need to enable my domain for the site to work.

If you can tell me how to do the same thing in C, I'll swap to it immediately.

[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_Map

>Please explain how to make a slippymap[1] in C.

The same way Doom has been compiled and run in the browser.


But emscripten compiles...to javascript.

I guess that meets the criteria of "programming for the web but not making github commits in javascript", but it doesn't really solve my problem. Oh well.

No, it also compiles to WebAssembly.

I think you could make the argument that because the C ABI is available in most compiled languages, you do have a choice. Whereas on the web, JavaScript is the ABI.

Not really when doing code on UNIX or aiming for portability.

There are still systems that lack full C++98 compliant compilers, for example (mostly embedded stuff).

Most working developers don't have a choice at all for most of the coding they do because the company or team that they join has already chosen a language. Ditto for frameworks.

There's a lot of compile to JS languages. It'd be interesting to see how many frontend devs are migrating to these languages for at least some of their projects.

They have a choice on the backend, and for some reason people do choose it there.

> Our data retrieval pipeline could not distinguish regular JS from Node and thus we had to exclude it completely.

I chose node because it meant I could share logic between server & client

ObjC, Swift, Java, Kotlin

If you see JavaScript as the clear leader, then this is probably a fair evaluation of what's left over.

According to the stack overflow survey this year, JavaScript is at the top of the list of programming languages


Not by choice... and I think that's the intended point of this analysis, what languages are people moving to from.

When WebAssembly stabilizes, it would be interesting to redo this analysis and see if JS will remain king.

I think so. I mean, aside from Node based projects, how many people are really doing pure-javascript apps? The pattern is typically JS on the front and something else on the back.

I guess if you can split out Node, React Native, and whatever other thing people are doing with Javascript that is pure Javascript, that would be a little bit more fair.

Why would exclude nodejs based projects? It's becoming the most common server type across the top 500 sites, and has an estimated 4+ million users.

Don't forget Electron desktop apps, also pure js - the framework itself has 100-200k monthly downloads.

I am not saying that I would exclude Node projects; I am saying I would exclude all Javascript projects that are not Node. Or React Native. Or Electron. Or whatever is used to create a purely Javascript app instead of one that only uses Javascript because a portion of the app's user interface exists at runtime in the context of a web browser.

If you read the article: It's because they couldn't tell apart Node and JavaScript projects.

However, I do disagree about not including JS.

If you read the parent comment, you'll find the question "how many people are really doing pure-javascript apps?"

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