I can understand your frustration but a downvote would have sufficed. If you hadn't seen the HN guidelines, take a gander when you get a spare moment. https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
Most notably this:
> If your account is less than a year old, please don't submit comments saying that HN is turning into Reddit. It's a common semi-noob illusion, as old as the hills.
If you really believe that, then your own comment is even less substantive than mine.
The meta-discussion has some substance to it IMO; it conveys at least some information and might suggest some actions to take. The original comment has literally none.
(Meta-discussion is marginally poisonous to productive discourse, and on an ideal HN this whole thread would be downvoted, but one-liners like the original post are a much bigger threat)
I like dour. That mentality is one of the things that makes HN different from other communities, and one of the reasons I like HN more than those other communities; I'd rather HN retained this distinctiveness than reverting to the mean.
I'm sorry, you are being downvoted for your reference to "parties". Please refer to the HN Discussion Code of Conduct, section 4 subsection 3(c.R) which states that Real Hackers do not participate in, discuss, or even acknowledge social gatherings known as "parties" except when discussing serious scientific reports centered around research into these social phenomena. This is your only warning.
I've been on reddit for over 5 years and have only been on HN for about 8 months.
HN is definitely completely different from reddit. I like the occasional joke or pun, but reddit takes it too far. The same tired jokes are repeated over and over and yet still get upvoted.
Most notably this:
> If your account is less than a year old, please don't submit comments saying that HN is turning into Reddit. It's a common semi-noob illusion, as old as the hills.