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Oh grow up.

We ban accounts that post like this, so please don't.

I apologize. I'll down-vote next time and move on.

Sorry, I thought IPOs make companies beholden to quarterly profits and lose much of their pre-IPO spark. My mistake.

I don't agree with visarga's first sentence. But I don't think it's childish to want a war criminal to be held to some account. More than 100,000 civilians died in that conflict, and Rice played a key role in knowingly selling the lies that lead to their deaths.

She deserves prison, and the founders and board of Dropbox deserve to be hounded for their complicity in her escape from any negative consequence resulting from her actions.

Would you please stop using HN primarily for political battle? I don't think it requires being an Iraq War supporter to point out that accounts that do this violate the mandate of this site.


Sigh. You're right, sorry. I'm out.

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