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DSLs can be great abstractions and interfaces, in that they can provide a way to state program knowledge in a form that non-programmers may be able to work with more easily.

One example that stuck with me early was the Quake (and Doom) shader files, as well as the other game resource constructs from those old WAD-based games. The shader syntax wasn't much more than a rough wrapper on the program's `struct`s, but it allowed the graphic artists to twiddle with the resources manually (and later made a great program interface for the level editors).

Quake map files were [pretty neat too](https://quakewiki.org/wiki/Quake_Map_Format), compiling down to playable levels as BSPs (binary space partitioning files).

XML (specific to document interchange), HTML (specific to hypertext interchange), and CSS (specific to DOM settings) were all DSLs that came about over the course of browser evolution. They offered ways to define content and configuration in a way that was both easy to understand and somewhat isolated from the underlying source code.

I've developed several DSLs in various systems I've worked in. Mostly you're pushing stuff out of the source code that doesn't belong there: configuration, repeated definitions, and things that may change from installation to installation. One of the abstractions we built was a series of custom state machine scripting languages that mapped to serial and TCP/IP protocols in a way that reduced boilerplate, and made the guts of implementing specific communications scenarios easier. The amount of time spent in developing a DSL was generally many times smaller than the gain in flexibility, transparency, and exposure to who could interact with customizing the system.

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