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> Mutability has its place, and simply hiding it behind abstractions tacked on to the language (vars, refs, agents, and atoms in Clojure's case) isn't a productive way to deal with it.

In Clojure if you want mutability, you don't use an PersistentHashMap i.e. `{}` inside an atom `(atom {})`, you import and instantiate a mutable java class `java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap` or `java.util.HashMap` `(let [m (doto (java.util.HashMap.) (.put "foo" "bar") (.put "spam "eggs"))] .... )` and bang on it just like you would in Java. Clojure doesn't attempt to solve mutability because the host platform has already done a good job at that. Clojure provides semantics around state managment of persistent data if you need that sort of thing, but that's not necessarily a good replacement for mutability if you actually need a mutable thing.

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