> Your comment genuinely horrifies me. I presume you're saying you
> You've justified it in your mind by arguing
> When seemingly intelligent and articulate people so easily
Comments like this have no place on HN; they're just a station on the path to flamewar hell. Overwrought stock phrases are all just noise.
Here's what to do instead. When horrified, wait until calming down before posting here. Then you can say something substantive and, if all goes well, interesting, as the site guidelines request.
> You've justified it in your mind by arguing
> When seemingly intelligent and articulate people so easily
Comments like this have no place on HN; they're just a station on the path to flamewar hell. Overwrought stock phrases are all just noise.
Here's what to do instead. When horrified, wait until calming down before posting here. Then you can say something substantive and, if all goes well, interesting, as the site guidelines request.