Loads of new laws have been created that go backwards. For example, laws in the banking and finance sector that violate privacy rights and create a mass surveillance situation in the name of fighting terrorism have been increasing since the 1970s, with the passing of the Banking Secrecy Act, and especially since 2001. These same laws are excluding an ever greater percentage of the population from the most lucrative areas of the financial sector, thus exacerbating income inequality.
Laws against drug use have increased significantly since 150 years ago, resulting in the criminalisation of large numbers of people and industries.
Laws on occupations and food production have multiplied, resulting in millions being disenfranchised, and the economy being increasingly dominated by large professional outfits and agribusiness, respectively.
I would argue we have not moved forward in several major areas, and on the contrary have been regressing.
It is in spite of the increasing burden of the state that society has progressed, no because of it.
Laws against drug use have increased significantly since 150 years ago, resulting in the criminalisation of large numbers of people and industries.
Laws on occupations and food production have multiplied, resulting in millions being disenfranchised, and the economy being increasingly dominated by large professional outfits and agribusiness, respectively.
I would argue we have not moved forward in several major areas, and on the contrary have been regressing.
It is in spite of the increasing burden of the state that society has progressed, no because of it.