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Thanks for this! When I get home this evening, I'll tweak this. You're right on all accounts.

Except for the Neil Gaiman quote. I like Gaiman's wording better than Chesterton's and I think it's different enough that it makes sense to attribute it to him.

Also, man, what was up that Petêr guy? Who peed in his Cheerios?

> "It turns out that the answer to both is “no” and, in astonishingly, the two questions are deeply intertwined."

Did you forget a word here?

Related to that, the two questions are

> “Can all true statements be proven?”, “Are there functions that we can define but not compute?”

And the answers are "no" and "yes", so to fit with "both answers are 'no'", the second question should be "Can we compute all functions we can define?".

Oh, God, you're right. Thank you! You wouldn't know I actually edited this chapter twice.

Yes, yes I did. Would you believe I did three drafts of this?

I'll fix it tonight. Thanks!

Haha I wouldn't worry about it.

I've seen more typos in professionally edited articles on major online newspapers.

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