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Fascinating article. One question, you write that: "Using what I learned with the Mandelbrot, I wrote a program to display images; an example is below." - I couldn't find source code for that on github - is it published anywhere?

It would be interesting to see some code that exercise more parts of the system, beyond the Mandelbrot generator.

About coding style - I guess this is tabs-vs-spaces territory - but is there a particular reason why you only indent blocks in the loops, not in the procedure/functions (like under main)?

I also wonder a bit about some of the magic constants - like 30705 - is there an overhead to use variables in BCPL (eg: indirect de-reference, no automatic in-lining by the compiler)?

Finally, how about procedure call overhead? Granted, the Mandelbrot generator is rather simple (shifts and other tricks notwithstanding) - so I can see why it makes sense to keep it all in a single procedure - but what does a call/ret look like on the Alto? (eg: in simplified assembler, in terms of stack-push, registers etc)?

I've put the image code on github: https://github.com/shirriff/alto-display-image

Coding style: I tried to match the style of the existing Alto files, which starts functions at the left margin and then indents by 3 (!) spaces from there. e.g. http://xeroxalto.computerhistory.org/Pixel/IFS/Sources/.IfsM...

Magic constants: I'm lazy so it's easier to leave them inline when I'm hacking on code. I don't know if there's runtime overhead.

BCPL procedure call overhead: kind of nasty. There's no stack support in the instruction set, just jump-and-link. So a called procedure first calls a subroutine "getframe" that sets up the stack frame (very similar to a C stack frame). Then a second subroutine "moveargs" moves the call arguments into the stack frame. At the end of the procedure call, a third subroutine call cleans up and does the return.

> I've put the image code on github (...)

Thank you! It's interesting to see how similar this code is to assembly code calling OS procedures, after declaring them external - I've recently been playing (again) with assembly for the win64 arch, and one sample program (a mish-mash of example code available for nasm, fasm and "go" assembler - is rather similar IMNHO - note this just displays a window, no loading of (image) files):

  ; Assemble and link with:
  ;   nasm -f win64 .\hello-nasm.asm
  ;   golink .\hello-nasm.obj \
  ;     Kernel32.dll User32.dll /entry:WinMain

  global WinMain
  extern ExitProcess
  extern MessageBoxA

  section '.text'

    sub rsp,8*5 ; reserve stack for API use and make
                ; stack dqword aligned

    xor rcx, rcx         ; uType = MB_OK
    lea rdx, [szCaption] ; LPCSTR lpCaption
    lea r8, [szTitle]    ; LPCSTR lpText
    xor r9d, r9d         ; hWnd = HWND_DESKTOP
    call MessageBoxA

    mov ecx,eax
    call ExitProcess

  section '.rdata'
  szTitle:   db 'Hello, Title!', 0
  szCaption: db 'Hello, World!', 0
The more things change...

nasm: http://www.nasm.us/ go linker (and assembler): http://godevtool.com/ (not to be confused with Google's "golang" Go programming language and tools.

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