Set your default shell to bash, and every time something annoys you, look up how to fix it (stack overflow is basically complete at this point, if you know what to search for) and put it in your dotfiles.
I used to rely on fish, but after a couple of bugs (either in fish or my fingers, not sure) I switched back to bash at my job (on a Linux desktop).
After a few months I had built up a good set of aliases and functions (my most used function is rgrep, see below) and was confidently ^R reverse searching and so on. These things are great because as you jump systems (e.g. to macOS) they continue to work.
TLDR: Practise practise practise!
# the rgrep function
# recursive text file search from the current directory.
function rgrep {
if [ -z "$1" ];
echo "please supply a search string."
return 1
grep -rn $1 .
I used to rely on fish, but after a couple of bugs (either in fish or my fingers, not sure) I switched back to bash at my job (on a Linux desktop).
After a few months I had built up a good set of aliases and functions (my most used function is rgrep, see below) and was confidently ^R reverse searching and so on. These things are great because as you jump systems (e.g. to macOS) they continue to work.
TLDR: Practise practise practise!