This has actually never happened to me. I replay the games I played as a kid about every two years and they are always great. The game I reply the most are Kid Chameleon for Sega 16bit and Wonderboy in Dragon's trap for Sega 8-bit.
I might look into this but I cannot stand ads and I'm inapt at using mobile phones, so probably not.
All games I remember good still are, my MAJOR gripe is that post 1995 most games got standardized as to what left/right clicks are for and how movement control is performed (wasd+shift/space) so going to play game before or around that timeline with those clunky ux is a major mental drain
i.e. Fragile Allegiances, Magic Carpet, Shogun Total War are all enticing but I cannot play without getting frustrated.
Honorable mention to Master of Magic, which is completely workable.
Mobile wise since Dwarf Fortress got a mobile skin I couldn't be happier.
I might look into this but I cannot stand ads and I'm inapt at using mobile phones, so probably not.