The logic here goes like this: Oh no. Here is this person who is confident and seems to be pretty chill and nice. They are expert at what they do and seem truly interested in it enough to have done lots of independent work in their field just because they were interested. They actually have that BS term we all throw around like we knew what it meant called "passion". They make me feel like I don't know what I'm doing at all, and I feel really insecure already. What's worse- they are totally not being a jerk about this and must notice that I'm asking really surfacy questions when I should be asking much better ones since I'm interviewing them. Boy am I really nervous. I wonder if they can tell. (yes, we can tell, but it is fine- we were all young once. We all felt challenged once- it's great that you feel challenged at your job, and I'm happy for you about that---- I just want a job, dig?) Oh my god, if I hire this person I'll be afraid I'm a fake every single day, and I'll be nervous around them. I can't hire them becuase they will see through my bullshit. (yes, we will) they will know all my tricks because they have been here before (yes, we will) yeikes! Oh my god. I have to get them out of my office. I'll just hire that young person with no experience who makes me feel really really smart. Then I won't have to feel like I'm having a heart attack every day. --- I think the reasoning goes a little like that. Which is too bad, because we are thinking: hey- this economy sucks. I just want a job. Really any job. Just a nice job with nice people. I don't need to show you up. In fact, I might be a cool person you become friends with who you like to chat with during lunch you know? I can do this work in my sleep and I think I can help this company, and now that I'm in a great position to do so, no one will hire me? This is totally insane, and it is all because you are afraid someone will notice you are not qualified to do your job? Well, guess what? We notice. We just want to have a job at all. We can't turn back time, be 25 and look awesome in our skinny jeans. We just need to pay rent. But I get it, you need to feel mentally like you are not gonna die of anxiety every day. But this situation hurts everyone.