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Are you referring to the section of the game where you use an x-ray to check for sex that doesn't match the passport? I don't think that's reasonable to classify as extreme, the US government exhibits the same strategies for identification, requiring proof of clinical treatment to get a sex change on license.


If you think the game is about teaching you what you should do, then you played a very different game than me.

There are times when letting people learn why something is bad through experience (even watered down as much as through a video game) is much more effective than just telling them it's bad, for many reasons.

Depiction != Endorsement. Are we going to require all future fictional portrayals of the Salem witch trials to feature token minority characters too because we need to hold people in another reality to the same standard of the ones we are in?

So minorities should only be cast when the subject matter relates specifically to them? I don't think that would leave them with many potential roles. There are so few meaningful roles for minorities as it is. Surely that isn't the right answer.

So minorities should only be cast when the subject matter relates specifically to them?

Nobody said that.

but it is

I think you are taking at face value what is actually quite a subversive game.

I don't know if you played it but I took away the opposite message (that states which act this way are evil).

If you believe that Papers Please is implying that what you do in the game is what you should do in real life then you misinterpreted the creator's intentions to an absurdly extreme degree which I find hard to believe.

Do you believe that MASH teaches you that war is overall positive? Was your takeaway from Requiem for a Dream that injecting heroin is a good idea?

That's kind of the point though. It depicts it .. as bad.

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