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Most people who attempt suicide and survive say they regret it. Usually almost immediately. Suicidal moods are often temporary and they would be fine if they waited it out. I might agree in principle that people have a right to end their lives. But in practice it seems like suicidal people are not making a perfectly informed decision and are better off being saved from suicide. And suicide doesn't just affect that person, it affects everyone around them too you know.

And therefore I honestly think comments like yours are dangerous. Telling suicidal people to stay quiet and not get help they need, or even encouraging them to do it.

This is something that personally affects me a great deal. I have a close friend who often has thoughts of suicide. I dread that the day will come I will find out they are dead, and I will be devastated. I'd do anything to prevent that. Their moods are always temporary and they go back and forth from being depressed to on top of the world in just a few days.

>Most people who attempt suicide and survive say they regret it.

And later on they may regret failing their attempts.

>But in practice it seems like suicidal people are not making a perfectly informed decision

Many people don't make perfectly informed decisions about a variety of things, yet we allow them to exercise their freedom to do so.

>And suicide doesn't just affect that person, it affects everyone around them too you know.

That's a stupidly selfish and ignorant argument of everyone around the person. "You gotta keep on living because otherwise I feel sad." Not even considering that the mourning of a death of a friend is nothing compared to the suffering of a full-blown suicidal depression. If someone had terminal cancer and was suffering horrible pain every day, you wouldn't tell them to go on because them dying "affects everyone around them too you know".

>Telling suicidal people to stay quiet and not get help they need, or even encouraging them to do it.

I did neither of those. I clearly stated "Get help". I clearly stated to seek out dialogue, but not publicly over the internet. I never encouraged anyone to kill themselves, I just want to protect the liberty of anyone to do it.

All in all, you completely misunderstood me.

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