Be careful what you wish for. Making such information free and public could open you up to all kinds of tracking and discrimination, not to mention higher costs for insurance or credit.
Anonymize it and I'm there, though this certainly would not help in this situation described by this article.
It's been illegal for awhile for health insurance companies to use genetic information. And now they can't even discriminate against any preexisting conditions.
But how would you know if they had? My insurance bill doesn't give me a breakdown of how they decided my premium. And how do you know that they won't be able to in the future? Healthcare regulations are subject to the whims of the current government.
For now: the final ACA replacement bill isn't quite ready for a vote. The final language may end up allowing for discrimination against preexisting conditions. It's not unreasonable to suggest that laws protecting against use of genetic information could get repealed someday either.
Anonymize it and I'm there, though this certainly would not help in this situation described by this article.