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What a lot of people miss that the hacker is actually the starting capital of the company.

If you have an idea, and can't programm you can:

1. Pay lots of money to hire programmers, or outsource your work, which needs money, i.e. capital.

2. Find good programmers to work for your company, that are willing to do it with little pay, or only equity.

If you have money, you can buy the programmers, but if you have no capital to start off, no matter how brilliant your idea is, it will go nowhere, and remain nothing more than a day dream.

See people value what they know, and for businness types they would like to think that "ideas" are worth more, and that programmers are just little disposable things that they can just hire anywhere.

As we have seen, the most successful companies are being started by hackers, and not businness types.

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