Don't cry for me, I'm a low quality poster(or rather, I tend to match the quality of posts I respond to, which are frequently low quality posts) who dang has had to put in place multiple times.
But I will say that I originally created this username many years ago to at least try to rebut ridiculously wrong things which were popularly accepted in the comments section, or right things which were down voted, so I am used to this.
I think this site has a problem in that a poorly stated truth is considered a bad post, but nonsense, as long as it is follows a certain style and rhetorical form is welcomed with open arms. But oh well, it isn't my site to run.
A poorly stated truth contributes less to the discussion than a well-formed but incorrect post. Or at least, the end result is that I find the discussion here more valuable than on most of the web (as much as it's declined under dang's niceness policies).