Curious what the correlation is between geekiness, length in career, and career success of women, and also how career success correlates with the age of parenthood.
My completely unscientific impression is that scientific & mathematic acumen generates less of a financial return for women, and that when it does, it tends to generate a return earlier, with technical skills providing a foot in the door but subsequent success due to professional relationships. If, as I think the grandparent is suggesting, you posit that the reason for the observed correlation is that geekier males tend to be the ones that have children late in life (as opposed to earlier or not at all), then if geekiness in females leads to either no delay or not having children at all, you wouldn't observe the effect in females.
My completely unscientific impression is that scientific & mathematic acumen generates less of a financial return for women, and that when it does, it tends to generate a return earlier, with technical skills providing a foot in the door but subsequent success due to professional relationships. If, as I think the grandparent is suggesting, you posit that the reason for the observed correlation is that geekier males tend to be the ones that have children late in life (as opposed to earlier or not at all), then if geekiness in females leads to either no delay or not having children at all, you wouldn't observe the effect in females.