Yes, but no one but you is saying nothing can exist that wasn't made; that's a statement of faith, not one based on evidence. We already know it's factually wrong, quantum mechanics has already shown particles spring into and out of existence randomly.
Beyond that, you can't claim special pleading on my part and still argue it's OK for God to exist without being made, that's special pleading. All special pleading is fallacious. None of my statements are special pleading, I haven't claimed nothing can exist without being made. That's one of your premises, not one from the science argument.
> If one says "the universe just is" one cannot claim logical superiority to the statement "(E) just is".
Yes one can for one simple reason, the universe's existence is not in question, therefore stating that it just is is logically superior to stating that E just is as E, i.e. God, is not known to exist and thus that statement is begging the question.
More simply put, you can't prove God exists with math, math doesn't always map to reality. Existence requires evidence in science, math never serves as proof of physics absent physical evidence, it can only serve as a guide in looking for corroborating evidence.
Ultimately however, the main point I'm making is that your logical analysis is fallacious, it boils down to nothing more than special pleading and the baseless presumption that things require a creator.
- Nothing can exist that wasn't made - Except the universe: it wasn't made
If one says "the universe just is" one cannot claim logical superiority to the statement "(E) just is".