Seems like an interesting project! Unfortunately it doesn't show any output for me. I can see in the network inspector that the GET to /stdout returns the text, but it's not shown on the screen.
Hey - founder & CEO of Codenvy, also project lead for Eclipse Che - a workspace server and cloud IDE. We have learned a little bit about what it takes to run environments in the cloud and then present development experiences for languages in the browser.
Congrats to @wsxiaoys for launching a new project. Anyone who takes the time to launch projects are doing a labor of love and commitment, so that deserves credit and recognition!
Some observations that you may want to think about:
a) The time to execute a simple bash command "echo 'hi'" was a few seconds. This tells me that you are probably spinning up a new Docker container on-demand after the user says "run". This will not really make the product usable over time. You'll eventually find that people will expect their environment to be loaded and running the moment their end user session has started. This way you can use Docker exec or other mechanisms (in Che we replaced Docker exec with a custom agent that runs inside the container that gives us fine-grained control over how processes are executed within the container). When a user says "run" you can then guarantee instant execution and then control how results are streamed.
b) I wrote most of the CLI for Eclipse Che and Codenvy (in bash!!). So learned that a few project / framework concepts are essential. In particular a project structure that allows you to source different files / or libraries will become important. Also, BATS for unit testing is essential to anyone maintaining bash scripts. Few people use BATS, but it's a life saver, so having automatic structuring of BATS tests as users creates bash files would be awesome.
c) Have you seen the language server protocol? No one has built a language server yet for Bash. It would be awesome to have symbol lookup, referencing, and auto-complete services within your editor. You could use a Monaco editor with a bash language server to give contextualized intelligence to your bash program for the developer. You could even go so far as to offer line by line debugging with it :)
For node.js, there's also cash [1], shelljs [2], and an initial bash syntax parser [3], which actually implement POSIX shell subsets in Javascript (unlike this project, which I understand calls out to a server-side bash process). Though cash and shelljs work synchronously only, which make them usable for build scripts etc. but not web services.
I was hoping for WebAssembly - that is, a bash interpreter really running in the browser. Of course, that would be a lot more ambitious, since unless you wanted to be limited to bash builtins, you’d also need some kind of kernel and the ability to run other processes…
can someone explain me how can this exist without being a security nightmare?
From what I saw it's on a read only filesystem which looks like a great idea but what else?
It's implemented on Google cloud as a cloud function.
So, for whoever made this, the risk would be mostly about running up their bill I suppose? Some risk to Google if it's possible to escape their container, though I suppose they've done a bit of work in that space.
Does each session run in an isolated container? Because I wonder, what's stopping an attacker from exhausting system resources, messing with other users stuff, etc.?
Below are some snippet I created:
Generate random corporate bullshit:
Compress png to webp:
Generate gif with curl, jq and ImageMagick:
Any suggestions / feedback welcome! :)
A more interesting feature I haven't fully finished is to turn your random bash snippet into an HTTP web service, like
which makes an obvious premium feature in future :p