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review my site/concept (markan.net)
3 points by markan on June 24, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

How does this differ from http://www.timebanks.org/ ?

Also, at the risk of sounding rude, this is highly unlikely to work. If it makes you feel better, I spent the last two years working on a semi-similar barter system product. Perhaps my frustration and my product's lack of traction is tinging my response...

Out of curiosity, what barter product was it? I've been working on an offline sharing site (http://pickupon.com/) specializing in direct trade for a while and just started inviting friends. Any opinions/advice in this area?

My impression is that time banks are local. Is there some sort of central website you can use for time banking? Besides that, Goodwillbank is set up for exchanging time in ratios other than 1:1.

What went wrong with your barter system? Is it online?

http://dibspace.com. It is a for a little while longer.

What went wrong with it:

1. Lackluster, non-technical co-founder.

2. Value prop not lined up with our market's needs (cf #1)

3. Poor outreach to our market (cf #1)

4. Not enough hours in the day to build and maintain the product while trying to correct 1-3.

And so forth.

Best of luck with your effort, still. If you're still involved with MathZoom, try pitching it to the people who run it to see if they might be able to find a way to use it. That might be one of your best bets for uptake.

Interesting enough concept, but awful interface. Even though I'm sure this is just proof of concept, the form and function should be better integrated from the start.

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