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This is not possible! The rule is clear: in every EU country you can use your mobile phone under the same conditions as in your base country (with some minor exceptions mostly for mobile data). Telcos not obeying this rule will be fined (or may even lose Radio Frequency License if not willing to obey).

I'm not completely sure that's true – it's possible that an operator might simply choose not to offer roaming at all with their basic plans, requiring an add-on to allow roaming.

But the op said that telcos found a way around this, implicating that plans were changed to exclude roaming. But I haven't heard from anyone in UK or Germany who had roaming taken away.

So it remains possible that a company will try it at some point but it will likely be very rare.

Would anyone get a plan without roaming? Looking at the size of European countries that would be unthinkable for anyone I know. Unless it's.. free or something. Maybe then.

I use LTE for my home's main internet connection, and it will never roam.

(I can't get fiber without paying five digits sums of €, and ADSL is around 3 Mbit/s).

So, if prices rise due to roaming charges, I'm paying more and get nothing.

Can you Netflix?

Yes, that's the bulk of traffic of course, although it's mostly the kids, not me.

Not quite. Providers are still free to offer contracts without any kind of roaming.

Do you have any source for this information?

This document seems to imply it, but it's not explicit: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/faq/frequently...

Every existing or new contract that includes roaming services will change to "roam like at home" contract.

That does seem to exclude contracts that don't include roaming services.

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