Hey HN! I’m Derek of Py (
https://www.downloadpy.com). Py is an education app for iOS and Android that teaches topics like app development, building websites and data science. We're in the current YC batch.
My co-founder Will and I have been friends since high school. We've been frustrated for a long time with the way existing learning platforms teach coding. They tend to be one-size-fits-all solutions that don't make learning to code a fun experience. Also, most platforms don't personalize content based on a user's prior skill level or behavior within the product.
We think personalizing content is key. We customize the content that users see and make it game-like to encourage people to spend more time on concepts they’re struggling with.
We also believe that interactivity is super important. Rather than passively watching a video, we want users to engage with the content. I’ve found from personal experience that I’ll watch an EdX video thinking I understand what they’re saying, only to discover later that I’m struggling on a quiz about the exact same concepts I thought I had learned.
When we first launched Py on the App Store about one year ago, it was named Pythonic because it only taught Python. Over the summer, we expanded to teach more programming languages and shortened the name to Py. While finishing up our last year of college we iterated on the product, developing more interaction types to make learning more engaging, and building more courses.
Excited to discuss mobile edtech and teaching people how to code! Also, we're quite curious to hear about your preferred way of learning...
We also believe that interactivity is super important
I agree with this premisse and I can't learn through videos. But I am glad with codecademy/freeCodeCamp style (lesson on the left, browse coding on the right). And after the initial steps, following tutorials online to build my own things on a real dev environment.
But I am willing to try another approach that favors interactivity.
We think personalizing content is key
I also agree in theory, but never saw it in practice. I couldn't understand from your landing page how Py solves this either. Would you care to further explain how the content is personalized and what exactly is this game-like?
If you think it's relevant, some context: I am 37 years old, on a career change from marketing to software development. I am learning web development from scratch, studying fulltime since last November. Basically 2 months to complete the first certificate of freeCodeCamp, then, building my own projects following tutorials and documentation. I start next Monday at my first dev job as front end developer. I mostly interested in learning Javascript, maybe dig deeper in CSS and general CS concepts.