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A note on the Multi-Cloud support; OP is correct, it's not "switch to another provider" type setup - that's not where the power lies, the cool stuff is about being able to share attributes across clouds - Think about creating an AWS ELB, and then adding that CNAME entry into your CloudFlare account.

It also makes it for when/if you want to switch or start supporting other providers - your tool is already agnostic, and you don't need to go from CloudFormation and port over - you're already there.

I have seen similar comments about "what happens if you want to switch providers" or "don't want to put all your eggs in one basket'. I can understand the comments but at the same time I do a lot of enterprise migrations with companies. We do not go in there while working through a plan on how to migrate to AWS or Google cloud and start promoting the multi provider feature of terraform. Why would you be going through so much effort to plan and move an entire enterprise into the cloud and use terraform and then throw in the idea that "Hey, you can also write the code to stand up similar services in another provider?" Maybe for smaller projects it would be attractive but for the big boys I don't see that to be very beneficial. At least this ability would not sway me to use Terra over CFT.

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