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For CI systems like Travis, people add it to the cached directories, and it's shared between runs. I know Travis, Circle and AppVeyor all have some way to cache data between runs – nominally for dependencies, but .hypothesis works too.

According to our docs (http://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/database.html?hig...), you can check the examples DB into a VCS and it handles merges, deletes, etc. I don't know anybody who actually does this, and I've never looked at the code for handling the examples database, so I have no idea how (well) this works.

If tests do throw up a particularly interesting and unusual example, we recommend explicitly adding it to the tests with an `@example` decorator, which causes us to retest that value every time. Easier to find on a code read, and won't be lost if the database goes away.

(Disclaimer: I'm a Hypothesis maintainer)

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