Hi everyone!
I just built a web tool that allows a user (in this case, event coordinators, coaches, group leaders of any sort) to quickly send SMS texts out to group(s) of recipients. A recipient can respond directly to that SMS and it will only go to original sender. So for example, if you're coordinating a huge company picnic with 200 people, you can send out a mass SMS text notifying everyone that the parking lot is full and that people should park across the street. The use cases are pretty open ended, let me know if you think of any particular applications for this platform! Right now, I'm looking for testers to get some feedback...
If you're interested, send an email to beta@texted.io with the subject “Texted.io Beta” if you want an invite! You’ll get 1000 texts (to send or receive). In exchange, I just ask for some feedback on the project!
Thanks! Alex