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> Some people also wanted a hassle free device, which only runs curated apps, and that keeps the whole experience more secure, unified, private


In fact, app store is opposite of all these qualities. Secure? It's provided by sandboxing, not app censorship. But almost every popular game in app store will read your contacts and send to its server. Unified? No one, except for top companies are able to follow UI guidelines, and most apps has weird UI. Even good apps have over-use of arcane swipe actions which makes them un-unified. Private? Most apps are very privacy-invasive. Even you are making app as a hobby, you will likely use privacy-invasive ad networks in order to pay back $100/year ad store fee.

> But almost every popular game in app store will read your contacts and send to its server.

Only if you let it.

> No one, except for top companies are able to follow UI guidelines, and most apps has weird UI.

Hmm, I'm not a top company but I try to follow the UI guidelines. In fact, by default, if you use native controls, you're doing that for free!

> Even you are making app as a hobby, you will likely use privacy-invasive ad networks in order to pay back $100/year ad store fee.

That's only if you want to make money. Some people don't; they do it just for fun.

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