Ideally you'll get everything you need in the first page anyways but generally speaking if you have complex part numbers or product series, it's harder to get right. I think that machine learning is essential to improve relevance over time without having to resort to manual tweaks.
Adafruit does have it tough; they try to bridge sites like Amazon and Digikey by having a very broad selection of products specific to electronics, but they don't actually have many parts in each of those categories. They focus more on supporting what they have with documentation and software and whatnot.
But sites like Digikey/Mouser/etc have searching down. If I want a capacitor, first I pick what kind (electrolytic, ceramic, tantalum, etc,) and then I am presented with dozens of menus representing specific attributes that I care about. Capacitance, temperature coefficient, size/pakaging, manufacturer- whatever you could possibly want to select on, you can.
Sometimes I wish that other digital distribution platforms would take inspiration from that 'catalog' model. Discovery is difficult, these days.