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Isnt this what facebook does? Except facebook is actually way more fun to use. Sure - they take all my information and sell it to the highest bidder. But I get cool "personalized videos" in return, for example. And all my friends are already on there - so they can do most of the CRM data input for me.

This is exactly what I don't want this product to become: Facebook. Facebook is social. Monica is NOT social. It's only for you. It's like your personal diary, except online. It's made to store things that shouldn't be seen by anyone. It's to manage YOUR personal relationships. It has nothing to do with a social community.

For me, that distinction was clearly expressed in the link and product info

Nah, Facebook shows you political and clickbait snippets with links to off-site ad heavy articles and also does autoplay videos of dogs.

On rare occasions, it notifies you that somebody got engaged or had a baby, but that's about the only similarity to Monica as far as I can tell.

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