Whilst it is great to be able to tag music files with masses of MB metadata, I have a feeling that the true value of the MB database has yet to be realised.
Because of the underlying design and relationships between albums and recordings and musical pieces (or works), once it reaches some level of critical mass you can start to mine the data for things like:
Who has recorded versions of Vivaldi's Four Seasons Spring in London?
Which artists have recorded both Greig's Piano Concerto and Chopsticks?
Who has recorded "A Day in the Life" other than by the Beatles?
Because of the underlying design and relationships between albums and recordings and musical pieces (or works), once it reaches some level of critical mass you can start to mine the data for things like:
Who has recorded versions of Vivaldi's Four Seasons Spring in London?
Which artists have recorded both Greig's Piano Concerto and Chopsticks?
Who has recorded "A Day in the Life" other than by the Beatles?