Plot twist: CTO or senior staff needed to cover something up (maybe a previous loss of critical business data) and arranged for this travesty to likely happen permitted sufficient number of junior devs went through "local db setup guide" mockery of a doc.
Either that or this is a "Worst fuckup on the first day on job" fantasy piece - I refuse to acknowledge living in the world where alternatives have any meaningful non-zero probability of occurring.
There are no upper bounds on incompetence. I've seen enough WTFs even in companies that didn't seem particularly dysfunctional, and that had some very competent people.
And then it takes only one shitty manager, or manager in a bad mood, to get the innocent junior dev fired.
Either that or this is a "Worst fuckup on the first day on job" fantasy piece - I refuse to acknowledge living in the world where alternatives have any meaningful non-zero probability of occurring.