Yeah, another case of "blame the person" instead of "blame the lack of systems". A while back, there was a thread here on how Amazon handled their s3 outage, caused by a devops typo. They didn't blame the DevOp guy, and instead beefed up their tooling.
I wonder whether that single difference - blame the person vs fix the system/tools predicts the failure or success of an enterprise?
I think it's a major predictor for how pleasant it is for anyone to work at the company, and thus a long term morale and hiring issue.
This is the sort of situation that makes for a great conference talk on how companies react to disaster, and how the lessons learned can either set the company up for robust dependable systems or a series of cascading failures.
Unfortunately, the original junior dev was living the failure case. Fortunately, he has learned early in his career that he doesn't want to work for a company that blames the messenger.
I wonder whether that single difference - blame the person vs fix the system/tools predicts the failure or success of an enterprise?