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Scaling out complex transactions in multi-tenant apps on Postgres (citusdata.com)
94 points by Vekz on June 2, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 19 comments

The modeling in the example seems weird:

- Why do you need a user_id in todo_items if you already associate lists to users in todo_lists table?

- "If users have the same list ID..." Why would they?

Author here.

For the purpose of the article, adding a user ID column to the items table primarily helps with distributing the data, since all of a user's lists and items can be placed on the same node based on the value in the user ID column, which enables transactions and efficient joins.

Distribution aside, it can be a good idea to separate user data by explicitly adding a user ID column for performance and data integrity reasons. It's difficult/inefficient to guarantee inside the database that item IDs aren't reused (e.g. due to bugs in the application, serial overflow). For row-level security [1], it's also required that all tables have a user column.

Always adding a filter or join by user ID to your queries also allows for more efficient query execution. You often access many or all items of a user at once, in which case it's more efficient for the database to use an index on user ID than doing multiple lookups using an index on list ID alone (this applies generally for multi-tenant apps).

Finally, you might have to scale out one day :).

[1] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/ddl-rowsecuri...

Second this. I used to keep tenant ID normalized but have found safety and performance in denormalizing it. It's not super fun to do, either, when you're at the point of needing to.

This is something I've ummmed and ahhhed about before. You think it's worth doing?

Somehow I assumed, once you create a distributed table, subsequent queries involving the distributed keys will be magically resolved for distribution.

I think the key line is here:

> Another way to run the query on Citus is to always join on the distribution key, such that the filter can be derived from the join, which gives an equivalent query plan...

This article is a bit opaque and could be explained a bit more IMO. It requires a bit of background intuition about what is going on in it's current form.

But from my perspective, this Schema appears to be using USER_ID as a distribution key. As in, USER_ID specifies nodes/shards where corresponding data exists.

I don't use Citus, but I work on a project that rolls our own sharding for PostgreSQL in a similar way. We use ACCOUNT_ID to distribute data to a specific shard(s). Therefore all of our tables in a shard must have an ACCOUNT_ID column in order for our shard lookup/routing to work. In my data model the control flow works somewhat like:

1. Pass ACCOUNT_ID as part of Query.

2. Routing middleware looks up shards corresponding to that ACCOUNT_ID.

3. Connections are made to appropriate shard(s) and query is run. Other shards are ignored since they should not have any data for that ACCOUNT_ID.

> Pass ACCOUNT_ID as part of Query

How do you pass the ACCOUNT_ID? Do you parse the SQL query to know where the ACCOUNT_ID is used? Or do you pass it out of band?

One SQL Query, middleware is responsible for grabbing the ACCOUNT_ID and connecting to the appropriate shards. This is why ACCOUNT_ID is needed as part of all the models on the shards because we don't want to alter the SQL query after middleware connects, we just want to run the unaltered query.

Yes. I meant where does the middleware grab the ACCOUNT_ID from?

The SQL query.

Does your middleware parse the SQL query in order to extract the ACCOUNT_ID?

Short answer is No.

We use an ORM/abstraction layer so we can actually get the ACCOUNT_ID as a property of our in memory object before the query is formatted. In this way we can inject the proper connection for the formatted query to be run on before/during handoff to the ORM.

Longer answer is you could do this same injection any number of ways...it is just convenient for our existing stack to do it this way. In some places we actually do it differently in order to facilitate direct queries (without the ORM layer).

Very clear. Thanks!

(I'm making an educated guess about the author's intent.)

I think the author wanted to keep the example brief and omitted several columns from the todo_lists table. In practice, you may have a creation time, last edit time, share options, and other fields for each list -- the todo_lists table.

You wouldn't want to duplicate these values in the todo_items table. By having a user_id on both tables, you can query the todo_lists table on user_id, and join the two tables if needed.

On the "if users have the same list id ..." question, I don't think they need to. If you're for example using UUID or sequence ids, then they wouldn't clash. If the application however had its own logic to generate list ids, then they might.

Again, these are just my educated guesses on the author's intent. Hopefully, they answer your questions.

Why do you need a user_id in todo_items

The primary key of the todo_lists table is "PRIMARY KEY (user_id, list_id)".

So the foreign key in todo_items should be (user_id, list_id), and it is.

"If users have the same list ID..." Why would they?

User 1 has a list 1, and User 2 has a list 1. Just as if User 1 had a list 'grocery', and User 2 had a list 'grocery'.

For point 1, if you're writing a multi-tenant app it's good practice to put the tenant id on every table and always filter on it. This lets you be doubly sure of fetching the correct user's data, leaking user data is worse than a bit of overhead. The alternative is always joining back to a table with a user id.

As a plus in with DBMS that allow you to set the physical ordering on disk (MS SQL Server's clustered index for example) you might actually improve performance by distributing rights to multiple pages and improved locality of data for per-user aggregations. It depends though.

For point 2, sometimes these things happen. Through mistakes, design or just bad design. Best to protect yourself against cross-user data leaks.

Perhaps that's kind of a limitation of the way Citus shards data across nodes - sometimes you have to denormalize a bit so it "knows" where a row should live?

(I mean, I guess you could imagine a system that followed the foreign key to todo_lists when you insert a todo_item to figure out which node it belongs in, but that seems tricky and/or slow ...)

Is support for multi-shard transactions on the roadmap?

(Ozgun from Citus)

TLDR: We're thinking about multi-shard transactions and we'll share more updates as our timelines become concrete. In the 7.0 release cycle, we're looking at prototyping work on distributed deadlock detection, a prerequisite for multi-shard transactions.

As a quick question, we find that multi-shard transactions fall into multiple categories. Which one did you have in mind?

1. An UPDATE / DELETE over multiple shards

2. BEGIN; tx on one shard from distributed table; tx on another shard; COMMIT

3. BEGIN; tx on distributed table; tx on reference table; COMMIT

We currently offer master_modify_multiple_shards() or Postgres' 2PC as potential workarounds, and know that there's definitely more work to be done in this area.

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