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>the Jews can pretend that they aren't playing up a minor holiday just so their kids don't feel bad around the solstice

Who's pretending? We know that's what we're doing. The real thing going on is that in the Diaspora we play up Hanukah because we're playing down the High Holy Days, Sukkot, Passover, and Shavuot -- which are actually the religiously important holidays.

If you visit Israel, society basically shuts down for varying lengths of time around all of those, depending on how long the religiously prescribed holiday actually is, what restrictions it entails on observant lifestyles, and how quickly it's followed by another holiday.

If we tried this in the Diaspora, we'd all be fired for taking too much time off.

Okay, I was going for something immediately recognizable to non-Jews.

The Jews can still pretend that running a wire loop around an area of town changes the rules inside it?

>The Jews can still pretend that running a wire loop around an area of town changes the rules inside it?

Lol, definitely. I love when people try that stuff. Advanced metaphysical special pleading for the win!

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