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Again, a blanket statement that can't possibly be true.

What system are we talking about? What third party are you talking about that you're gonna hand money over to do this on your behalf? These things matter, and there are many answers to those those questions where yes, you could indeed deploy and run a system yourself and be more secure than a provider, because for what you say to be true, your relying on a false belief that because someone offers a service (whether for money or not), that inherently makes them more competent than you to operate and secure that service.

There are cloud service providers that are able to offer a more secure base service than 99% of it's consumers would be able to create independently. I am not challenging that assertion. I'm challenging the commonly-expressed belief that individual cases where that is true in any way extends to the blanket claim being made in the parent. That is 'Some cloud providers are more secure than their customers therefore all cloud providers are more secure than all their customers'. No. Absurd.

This is something that can be proved for individual suppliers and with suitable assessment/verification processes. To extend that to 'cloud providers' as a whole is absurd. If you can't see that then fair enough, I truly wish you luck because that's ultimately all you'll be relying on if you choose to play in this space.

When you say 'There is absolutely no way' what you must surely mean is 'Under certain circumstances it is the case that'.

I remind you of one simple example: Dropbox ran for a significant period of time with a system that allowed any person to log into any dropbox account, with any password.

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