The parent is saying that these assumptions will be incorrect in other parts of the world. If you limit the statement in the title to US/EU then it becomes a more reasonable claim.
That's literally what the article is claiming though. If you limit the statement to just the title here, it's not an article, it's just a headline, and headlines are not there to tell you the entire story.
The title implies that the cars are actually getting cheaper, not that social costs are being externalized into this market.
The suggestion to change the title is valid. It's not the cars that are getting cheaper, it's the laws that are getting more expensive. That has nothing to do with the efficiency of the production or operation of EVs. It has everything to do with social policy surrounding the use of fossil fuels.
>It's not the cars that are getting cheaper, it's the laws that are getting more expensive
Not quite, it is the case that electric cars are getting cheaper, and that analysts expect them to continue getting cheaper. From the article:
>“One is EV technology cost reductions because there are more breakthroughs in the cost of technology and more volume, so the cost of EVs will go down. ICE going to go up as a result of more stringent regulations especially regarding to particulate regulations.”