> didn't this whole thing start when a vendor sent an e-mail to Google that was intended for Uber, and the contents of the design in that e-mail were sufficiently similar to Google's designs that Google started this process.
> Was the design not similar enough to prove Uber's use of Google's IP?
It may well be, at trial, in court.
> Am I remembering or interpreting the story incorrectly?
No - but it still has to be demonstrated to be true to the extent required for a civil case.
> No - but it still has to be demonstrated to be true beyond reasonable doubt.
"Beyond reasonable doubt" is the standard of evidence required in a criminal case. The standard of evidence required in a civil case is a "preponderance of the evidence". This standard is met if the proposition is more likely to be true than untrue (ie >50% chance).
Since it's a civil case, won't it only have to be demostrated to be more likely then not? I thought 'beyond reasonable doubt' was only the bar for criminal cases.
> Was the design not similar enough to prove Uber's use of Google's IP?
It may well be, at trial, in court.
> Am I remembering or interpreting the story incorrectly?
No - but it still has to be demonstrated to be true to the extent required for a civil case.