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> Writing integration tests or unit tests around existing functionality is extremely important but unfortunately might not always be feasible given the time, budget, or complexity of the code base.

Bottom line: If the project cannot afford to properly maintain the code, it's a failure of the business model. Projects can be maintained indefinitely, but it costs money. And that means the project has to bring in enough money to pay for those maintenance costs.

The options, as I see them:

1. Accept that this particular project, and those that intimately depend on it, has a lifecycle and will eventually die, either slowly or quickly. Prepare for that fact, staying ahead of the reaper by quitting, transferring to another project, etc.

2. Build a case to leadership that the project is underfunded long-term. This takes communication skills, persuasion skills, technical skills, and political skills. You'll need to go to all the stakeholders in their frame of reference and explain the risk involved in fundamentally depending on legacy code.

Anyway, engineers tend to see the "legacy code" problem as a technical one. It is in the sense it takes technical work to fix it. But the root cause is a misallocation of resources. If the needed resources aren't there in the first place, the problem is a bad business model.

Alternatively. Teams should be organized around products not around projects. The idea that you can move developers around new projects is wrong. A large organization with this mindset will end up with a lot of unmantainable and unmantained code.

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