Plenty of examples available in the Journal of Minimal Access Surgery:
Pavlidis TE, Pavlidis ET, Sakantamis AK. The role of laparoscopic surgery in gastric cancer. J Min Access Surg 2012;8:35-8
Pai A, Melich G, Marecik SJ, Park JJ, Prasad LM. Current status of robotic surgery for rectal cancer: A bird's eye view. J Min Access Surg 2015;11:29-34
'I feel that my cancer was aggravated for medical negligence and laparoscopy' is a fair and very good question, but must be studied and answered correctly.
This case after the use of a morcellator is interesting
"Uterine myomas are the most common female genital tumour and occur in ~25% of reproductive-aged women"
"Parasitic myoma after laparoscopic surgery is very rare condition, there are almost 35 cases in the literature"
Temizkan O, Erenel H, Arici B, Asicioglu O. A case of parasitic myoma 4 years after laparoscopic myomectomy . J Min Access Surg 2014;10:202-3
Here we have a first measure of what "risky medical procedure" means in this case. Less than 0.07%. It seems that those are extremely rare cases, not justifying returning to old procedures that involve more pain and more health risk for 50.000 women. More invasive procedures equal to more people dying in operating theathers or in post-operative phase by the risks of surgery. Cancer is a drama of course, but this looks like a "lets kill thousands to save tens". More research is needed.
Pavlidis TE, Pavlidis ET, Sakantamis AK. The role of laparoscopic surgery in gastric cancer. J Min Access Surg 2012;8:35-8
Pai A, Melich G, Marecik SJ, Park JJ, Prasad LM. Current status of robotic surgery for rectal cancer: A bird's eye view. J Min Access Surg 2015;11:29-34
'I feel that my cancer was aggravated for medical negligence and laparoscopy' is a fair and very good question, but must be studied and answered correctly.