>since npm@3, npm will automatically update npm-shrinkwrap.json when you save
All installs update shrinkwrap then? doesn't that start to make it redundant to package.json in the first place now. Does this make git tracking package and shrinkwrap mandatory in-case you want to install, test but then roll back the version, as shrinkwrap will already have changed.
edit: Oh I'm supposed to --no-save now for that described flow?
>since npm@3, npm will automatically update npm-shrinkwrap.json when you save
All installs update shrinkwrap then? doesn't that start to make it redundant to package.json in the first place now. Does this make git tracking package and shrinkwrap mandatory in-case you want to install, test but then roll back the version, as shrinkwrap will already have changed.
edit: Oh I'm supposed to --no-save now for that described flow?