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Quantity is only one aspect. Structure and ability to mentally parse out patterns matters too. I don't mind Lisps and use Clojure regularly, yet I'd still argue your JS examples are easier to read than the Lisp ones.

Heck even Clojure seems to agree, just the simple act of using vectors for various things (ie function parameters) helps with the readability

    ((fn [a b]
        (* a b)
    ) 6 4)

Well, vectors are a workaround for the challenges in creating homeoiconic lists that the JVM understands.

And if I'm frank, the JS examples are easy to read because you're familiar with the syntax. When you first started to learn C style syntax, it was likely just as confusing. I've spent a fair bit of time with lisp now, and the parenthesis are no more or less confusing than any of the symbols used in other languages. They're just scope delimiters.

I disagree. The JS is easier to read because it has an easier to parse structure. I've been coding in clojure for several years now.

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