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Wow. The person who writes that site sounds remarkably angry and upset at the world.

Kill Google AMP before it kills the web

May 20, 2017 (comments)

An internet accurately describes Google's AMP program for what it is -- a barely-disguised attempt to shove more of the internet into itself, the better to track the living shit out of every human being on earth. Hackernews has attempted to avoid this program by using it heavily. Half the comments are Hackernews insisting that it is not only impossible to compete with Google in any way but also insane to try. Some Googles show up to assure everyone that this is for the greater good, and if you'd all just stop talking and get in line the whole process will be nearly painless. A few Hackernews suggest that AMP's feature set can be replicated with a "stop shoving every fucking possible line of javascript into every single pageload" approach, but they are quickly chloroformed and edited out of past Christmas photos.

How is this anything but genius? Next thing you tell me you do not approve of yosefk's excellent C++ FQA?

Sometimes that's the best way to make biting comedy.

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